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Friday, May 8, 2020


We will discuss about transducers step by step in this article . Starting it now -

 Definition:- 1. Any device which is used to convert one form of energy into another form of energy (like sound energy into electrical energy) , is known as Transducer . Generally the energy that is to be converted is non electrical .

• Transduction:- The process of converting of transforming one form of energy into another form of energy is known as Transduction .

• Uses:- Transducers are often used at the boundaries of automations , measurements and control systems , where the electrical signals are converted to and from other physical quantities like energy , torque , light , force etc. 

• Classification of Transducers:- Transducers are classified in a number of ways in which some of them are as follows -
According to :
Their applications .
Method of conversion of physical quantities into electrical signals .
Nature of electrical output signals .
Activeness or passiveness of Transducer .
Physical quantities being effected under measurement .

• Characteristics of an Ideal Transducer:- Before going to the characteristics of an ideal transducer , first we need to have some knowledge about the following topis-
Dynamic Range : The ratio between the largest and the smallest value of signals that a certain quantity can have .
Repeatability : The variations in measurements taken by a single person or instrument on the same item , under the same conditions and in a short period of time .
Noise : Noise is a random fluctuation in an electrical signal , a characteristic of all electronic circuit .
Hysteresis : Hysteresis is a time based dependence of a system's output on the present and past inputs .
Characteristics of ideal transducer -
An ideal transducer have :
Low Dynamic Range
High Repeatability
Low Noise , and
Low Hysteresis 


This was an introduction about Transducers . I hope that it was helpful to you and you liked it .
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