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Thursday, April 9, 2020

Bonding and Anti-bonding Molecular Orbitals

Bonding Orbitals :- The molecular orbitals which are obtained by the addition overlap of any two atomic orbitals are known as Bonding Molecular Orbitals . They are generally represented as :
   Î¨áµ‡ = ΨA + ΨB   (where A and B are in base)

Some of the features of bonding molecular orbitals are as follows :-

  1. It possesses lower energy than the atomic orbitals from which it is formed . 
  2. Bonding molecular orbitals has high electron density between the two nuclei .
  3. Bonding molecular orbitals is formed when lobes of the combining atomic orbitals have been same sign .
  4. The magnitude of Ψᵇ is numerically bigger than ΨA or ΨB .
  5. Every electron in a bonding M.O. contributes to attraction between two atoms .

Antibonding Molecular Orbitals :- The molecular orbitals which are obtained by the substraction overlap of two atomic orbitals are known as antibonding molecular orbitals and is represented by 
Ψ* = ΨA - ΨB (where A and B are in base) .

Some of the features of antibonding molecular orbitals are as follows :
  1. It possesses higher energy than the atomic orbitals from which it is formed .
  2. There is a negligible probability of finding the electron in between the nuclei. The electron density is concentrated only on one nucleous at any particular moment .
  3. Antibonding M.O. is formed when the lobes of combining orbitals have opposite sign.
  4. The numerical vale of Ψ* is smaller than ΨA or ΨB .
  5. Every electron in antibonding M.O. contributes to repulsion between two atoms .

This was an introduction two Bonding molecular orbitals and antibonding molecular orbitals.
Hope it will be useful to you .
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