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Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Hydrogen Bonding:- Explanation with types .

Hydrogen Bond :-
When hydrogen is joined to a highly electronegative elements, it can form a additional bond to another electronegative element. This additional bond is called hydrogen bond . Hydrogen bonds are formed only between highly electronegative atoms like F, O, and N . The hydrogen bond is considerably less stable than the usual valence bonds. In order to distinguish a hydrogen bond from other valence bond, it is written as dotted line .
In short we can say that :- "The hydrogen bond is an electrostatic force of attraction between a hydrogen atom attached to more electronegative atoms and some other electronegative atoms of the same or different molecules."

Types of Hydrogen Bond:-
Hydrogen bond is of two types :
1. Intermolecular hydrogen bond.
2. Intera-molecular hydrogen bond

1. Intermolecular hydrogen bonding - This type of hydrogen bonding exist between two or more molecule of the same or different compound.

2. Intera-molecular hydrogen bonding - Sometimes hydrogen bonding may occurs within a molecule . This type of hydrogen bonding is called intera-molecular hydrogen bonding . These substances are more soluble .

The hydrogen bond plays an important role in many processes . For example , the solubility of an uncharged organic compound in water depends mainly on the ability of a substance to form hydrogen bond with the solvent .

This was all about hydrogen bonds and its types , comment down for any queries . Share with your friends and stay tuned .

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